Monday, September 28, 2009

The big 3 and DQS7...

Yep, The Shmoo turned 3 yesterday, and it feels like I have been working up to the big day for weeks! My mom arrived on Wednesday to help out, and see her " Spider Monkey". She whipped our house into shape, put up all of our pictures/quilts/etc. on the wall, cooked 3 nights in a row, and took care of The Shmoo while J and I went on a DATE! Yep, she's awesome, and we all wish she lived closer!!!!

In the sewing world I received the most wonderful Doll Quilt for DQS7 over on Flickr.

Yep, it's amazing, and that is me in all of of my glory :-) The quilt was immediately snatched up by my mom and J. They had been looking through all of my swap quilts in search of the "Perfect" one to hang in the dining room. Well, this was the one they were waiting for, so it went from the envelope up on the wall! You can't really see it in this picture, but there is a woman, a man, a little boy, 2 cats, and a dog all in the various windows of the houses ( I have a house obsession at the moment). Terri really did her homework on this one. AND, she sent The Shmoo a book. We love books at our house. J and I are book addicts, and The Shmoo has a decent library for a three year old!

I'll be back tomorrow with some up to date project photos!

Peace be with you


  1. oh schmoo - how cute are you?! Happy big 3!!!

    How cool is that house quilt? And you'll have a big version with the quilting bee too. Awesome.

  2. Schmoo is such a cutie patootie!! And what a wonderful little quilt!!!

    hhhhmmmm...and about your MOM...uh...well she
    sounds like me....hug her neck for me...she needs it!!!!
